Behavior Babble listeners will enjoy this quick and informative read from advocate, author, and mentor with Autism, Jonathan Chase. Jonathan’s focus on classroom accommodations is thorough, contains specific recommendations, and is rooted in a larger context of why a student with Autism might need one type of support or another.
Barb and Pam noticed a consistent theme of supporting students to have choices and agency in their own learning. Whether you are starting the school year off or jumping in midstream, it is never too late to support young people through classroom accommodations that could make life easier for everyone in the class.
Barb and Pam appreciate the structure of the book that includes bullet point lists of suggestions along with anecdotal examples of how a student has used similar accommodations in their academic life. Listen as they discuss the merits of the book and the benefits of it as a resource to teachers at any grade level. As Barb said, “He does a beautiful job of being very respectful of teachers….He has come out with this gift for teachers who are overwhelmed…”