Does your child or teenager…
Struggle to connect with peers
Smother peers with too much attention and focus
Have trouble managing social media use
Argue and fight with siblings
Isolate themselves to avoid interacting
Express sadness over not having friends
Direct Social Coaching can help!
We come to you!
Sessions are typically 1 hour or longer in length, with email feedback provided between sessions.
Direct Support
One on one, dyad, and small group
Peers, siblings, neighbors, classmates
Fees for service depend on type of support provided. We do not take health insurance at this time. Rates for 1:1 service start at $95 per hour and are billed monthly. Fees for groups and other types of consultation vary from that rate.
Direct Social Coaching uses the years of training and experience that PJS Consultation has to work on the foundational elements necessary for learners to be competent peer partners. Too often, learners are given a script or set of rules about how to interact without any foundation of why they should be invested in partnering or what to do if the rules are not helpful. Using the Engage Program of social learning from MundoPato Inc., learners, develop their own strategies for interacting. These strategies are much more likely to generalize because the learners develop their own unique skill for building relationships. We have experience with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down Syndrome, Anxiety, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as well as neurodiverse children and teens who may not have a specific diagnosis.
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn."
~Benjamin Franklin
What we can accomplish:
Individual Social Skills
One on one social skills training is centered on identifying the root causes of a learner’s social challenges. Once identified, these root causes are remediated through specific practice. Training is provided in home or community settings.
Dyad and Small Group Social Practice
Peer practice is rooted in genuine interactions between similarly developing individuals. Sessions aim to provide specific tools to compromise, engage in problem solving, practice communication, and build awareness of what is working and not working within the interactions. This elevated awareness supports learners to carry over skills to other peer interactions.
Sibling Guidance
In home support to guide sibling interactions to increase positive communication, problem solving, and collaboration. Guidance occurs in the home or community setting.